A Few Beads and Feathers


If these holidays did not enclose one
Within this century, then it would be
Some other holy days,
In some other millenium:
On top the frozen Andes,
Where the sacrificial mummy children repose
Or in the urn of the cenote,
With a feathered far-flung token
Candle drippings in the Pharaohs tomb or
Scars of the Incan ballgame in the courtyard-
Man can escape neither death nor festivals
They say the reason mankind first began
To decorate the body, with paint and trinkets
Was a declaration of existence
A celebration of the joy of being alive
We became too sophisticated to stop there
And now we decorate trees and houses too
So our joie de vivre can be manifest
From farther away, even by strangers
And perhaps even God in his element
Looks down from time to time, and smiles knowingly
To see our blinking, blue green world
A glowing phosphorescence in the Milky Ways embrace.


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