Anatomy of a Romance


Will they or won't they?



They are side by side,
Their surfaces barely brushing up against one another:
Primly upright though, they disdain to notice the almost-contact.

Hours later and still they remain near,
And ever more conscious, of the close, comforting warmth of the other;
They begin to tremble, ever so slightly.

In a fit of nervous preoccupation,
Wondering if the other too has the same sense
Of heightened feeling, and a sort of yearning that's opening up.

After many minutes, they gradually relax into each other;
Leaning, pressing their parallel parts together casually,
Relishing fully, that feeling of yielding to something greater.

Submission is communicated at the last;
Both of a single mind finally, and in a concerted motion,
The two hands leave, now clasped tightly together.


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