He Loved Brown Eyes


On any passing day in a town
Where in anyone's glass, small fruit flies drowned
And the grass was dead, and was always brown-
He loved brown eyes

Where brown cows stood
Against a milk-brown sky, beneath brown plovers
Flying by, and brown-legged fawns cropped the young brown rye-
He loved brown eyes

Where brown is the color of the sod that built
The old sod houses, on the light brown silt
And on each clothesline blew a blowing brown quilt-
He loved brown eyes

And brown was the color of the water that cleaned
The dirty brown shirts and the dirty blue jeans
A brown that soaked into the bathtub rings-
He loved brown eyes

A brown that seeped into the soul and skin
Till nothing else could ever get in
And the women were tired, and the men were thin-
He loved brown eyes

He took me to wed, and he took me to bed
And our house was happy, and the kids got fed
And I never forgot that day that he said-
He loved brown eyes.


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