Viral Imagination


A face is looking in on some words
Which I have left in a certain room, hallway
Down three doors and to the left

A soul I never knew of, had not met
Probably would never had crossed steps with
But we were together for a time

Someone saw my core, without a saw
Saw my brains adhesion's, without an awl
Walked inside the corridors of my being

Words and ideas are the only immortality I know of
They have a reality and presence that's everywhere
They can cross entire universes in a single thought-wave

Though you try to contain it, though you try
To mute it, it only shouts louder; never stops watching
Waiting it's chance, through the tiniest gap

Then they left my words behind, and continued on
To write their own words again, never realizing
My words had somehow slipped in among theirs.


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