What Lies Inside


Quick as a wink you find yourself alone
And you go to find that lost music
Hidden so carefully inside yourself
On some long ago hide and seek,
Elusive since tender years
It floods your being; reverberates
Down twisted tunnels of primeval tongues
Spoken only by the mouth-less
In dusty streams of dying starlight
And in children's unencumbered longings
There's silent screaming and ecstasy of ghosts
Left in solitary nightmares
But only a grain of rational truth,
To mend illusions incoherence
Stitches of burnt symmetries
Anchored in soft beds of clay
On a meandering, timeless river:
With all our worship of ascendant notions
Brotherhood and spatial fidelity-
We can never see the whirling worlds eye
Except ours be single and wide open.


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